Rarely talked about, the topic of incontinence is more common than you might realize.  There are actually two types that can affect daily functioning:

  1. Stress incontinence that occurs when there is excessive pressure on the bladder and urine leaks out, like when you cough, run, or sneeze
  2. Urge incontinence when you suddenly feel an urgency to pass urine but don’t quite make it to the toilet in time

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most common type of urinary incontinence in women, although men can have this condition, too. Unfortunately, it can mess up your daily routine and have emotional as well as physical consequences.

Not only can this widespread issue cause you to limit social events or lead to disruptions at work, but it can also affect your exercise routine and sexual activity. Bladder leaking is more than just an inconvenience or embarrassment, it can also cause women to avoid healthy activities.

Do You Experience Bladder Leakage While Exercising?

Bladder leakage during your workout is awkward and uncomfortable. The primary reason it happens is often due to stress urinary incontinence. This can happen with things like sneezing, coughing, having sex, and, yes, certain forms of working out.

If your pelvic floor is weak, any increase in pressure, including these everyday actions, can overcome the muscles in this area, and urine can leak out.

Stress Incontinence Affects Activity Levels

Bladder leaks during exercise can shake your confidence, but you are not alone. In fact, one study found that 45% of female athletes experienced some symptoms of leaking while exercising.[1]

We all know that being active is essential to staying healthy. It is heartbreaking to learn of the negative impact incontinence can have on a woman’s daily lifestyle. Studies have shown that up to 20% of women have reported quitting their physical activities due to bladder leakage while exercising.[2]

Specific workouts make the body more susceptible to the problem of bladder leakage. If your routine includes running sprints, doing squats, or engaging in jumping jacks, you may know first-hand about the problem of bladder leakage while exercising.

Here are three of the most common activities that can lead to accidental bladder leakage and stress incontinence:


Every personal trainer and athletic coach will tell you that jumping exercises are one of the most effective ways to engage the large muscle groups in the body to help build power, strength, and to quickly burn calories. But these jumping movements put extra force on the bladder and can cause the unintended escape of urine.

You may wonder “why do I pee when I jump?” The answer is there is a lack of pelvic muscular strength. As a result, the ability to hold back the flow of urine is a problem. The increased abdominal pressure caused by the high-intensity motion of jumping rope or jumping jacks is what leads to stress incontinence and urine leaks. And although this is very common, it does not mean it is normal to continue exercising with this issue.


Running is a popular, inexpensive way to be active. For many people it provides more than physical activity; it is an escape from the daily stresses and delivers some much-needed headspace to cope with the demands of our busy lives.

But even the most elite runners experience urine leaks when jogging. Some reveal that they could go to the bathroom right before a run and 15 minutes later still have leakage issues.

Clearly, running is a high-impact sport and whether you are out for a power walk or a marathon training session, the pelvic floor feels the force of that impact on every step. No wonder so many have bladder leakage.

Try these tips to learn how to stop leaking urine when running:

  1. Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles with properly executed Kegel exercises[3]
  2. Skip caffeine before a run since the caffeine can irritate the bladder lining and making the urge to go more severe
  3. Always pee before you run to completely clear the bladder
  4. Choose footwear that is properly cushioned since the pounding on your feet impacts your bladder
Sexual Activity

Leaking urine during sex is more common than many people know. As many as 60 percent of women who have some level of general incontinence experience leakage during intercourse.[4]

This primarily occurs because sexual stimulation can put pressure on your bladder or urethra. When combined with weakened pelvic floor muscles, this pressure can create stress incontinence and cause accidental peeing during sex.

To reduce the possibility of accidentally peeing during intercourse, try these lifestyle changes:

  1. Avoid drinking too much before sexual activity and empty the bladder before sex
  1. Try different positions to find one that places the least amount of pressure on the bladder
  1. Limit intake of beverages and food containing caffeine or alcohol that act as diuretics, which may increase your urge to urinate


The Simple Solution to Help Stop Urine Leaks

Leakage when jumping, running, or other types of exercise, or even during intimacy is not uncommon. But you shouldn’t have to live with incontinence. The good news that you no longer need to suffer. There is hope with Attain from InControl Medical.

Attain can help you regain control of your bladder function, regardless of your age, size, or shape, and whether you leak a little or a lot. This amazing over-the-counter medical device features patented technology to deliver gentle muscle stimulation that will effortlessly exercise and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Unlike many other products on the market, Attain also has guided biofeedback so you can see proof of your progress.

You may have heard that Kegel exercises can help solve bladder leakage. Although Kegels may be beneficial in managing stress urinary incontinence, research has shown that over half of women do them incorrectly.


A better answer is Attain.

Attain uses mild muscle stimulation, delivered via a small, soft silicone probe that contours to your body, automatically strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. It is a superior option that is better and more efficient and effective than doing Kegels on your own.  Attain will help develop strong pelvic floor muscles for eliminating stress incontinence.

There are countless other benefits when using Attain for treating female bladder leakage, including:

  • FDA registered and cleared
  • Certified for quality assurance
  • No prescription required
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Use in the privacy of your own home
  • Customizable fit for optimal performance and comfort
  • Made in the United States of America
  • Guaranteed results plus a one-year warranty

Strong, healthy pelvic floor muscles are important for all women to prevent bladder leakage and support sexual health. Quite simply, Attain is the only FDA cleared, over the counter, at-home device to help gain control of urinary functions without medications or surgery. And for a limited time, Attain can be purchased at an exceptionally low price.

Stop suffering and act now. Find out more about the benefits of Attain from InControl Medical and begin to enjoy your leak-free life, guaranteed.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4327384/
[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2325968/
[3] https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/womens-health/in-depth/kegel-exercises/art-20045283
[4] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00192-011-1583-0